Thursday, August 25, 2011


As you know (because I've said it 3048 times) Max turned 2 on Friday while we were at the beach.  Well you know how everyone says (before they have kids!) that "we're not going to have big birthday parties every year, we're just going to do family parties"-- well this year, we actually did that! Max was celebrated by us and his brothers, my parents and my brothers, my aunts, my uncle and his family, and cousins.

When it came time for the "Happy Birthday to you" song, it was quite loud- I thought Max was going to freak.  His face looked like he was about to crumble- and I couldn't blame him!  All of these people starring at him while he's at the head of a long table and we all blast him with a song... and we're not the best singers! But he held it together. Halfway through the anthem my throat got tight- I couldn't believe this little guy was 2, I was so proud- I was pretty sure I was going to cry, but certainly that would be crazy, so I looked to Chad for support- he was on one side of the table videoing, while I was on the other snapping pictures- and Chad had tears in his eyes.  At that moment I was even prouder- my tough man so in love with his boy, that he was touched by his 2nd birthday as much as I was :)

Max is one loved little boy.  And he was showered with sweet gifts- my parents got him several books, beach toys, and this lion rolling backpack that he pushes all around all day.  Uncle Eli provided him with many new pool balls, dive sticks, squirt guns, and other fun water stuff... can you tell that Uncle Eli would like for Max to be a swimmer? And my cousins got him a frog pillow pet which he calls his "peel-yow" and this swirly light thing that is a hit, so I keep it hidden in the diaper bag for emergency situations- you know like boredom in public that reduces the child to squealing or causing some sort of scene that makes mom's cower.

Chad's parents got Max 2 adorable motorcycle shirts, and 4 new motorcycles which is one of his current obsessions.  Since he got them, I've stepped on a motorcycle at least 47 times a day because he carries them EVERYWHERE!  I even stepped on one in the garage! The garage, really?

We got Max a new bicycle- he got to pick which one he wanted and honestly I tried to sway him towards a fancy two-wheeler with training wheels and lots of lights and sounds- even a working turn signal!! But he would have nothing to do with it- the boy knows what he wants and picked out an adorable radio flyer trike that he rides all over the house... including on TOP of baby Jack (not exaggerating, but we'll have to address this a bit later once my heart recovers a little more). And he also got a new golf club from us- I believe it's an iron.  He calls it his "big boy golf club".

And lastly, after being obsessed with a hot wheels collection that was at the beach condo, I used his money from my Grandma to get him a carrying case and 10 new cars.... those also must be out and carried everywhere we go and all over the house.  Max is a boy through and through!

And then of course, me and my Max continued our tradition of donuts the morning of his birthday.  If you remember, we started it last year on his big day, a mommy/ Max date- and since then, I've spent a year working on his love for donuts.  I've really succeeded- he loves them like I do- and they may possibly his favorite food like they are mine. But because we were at the beach, we invited Daddy and Gabe and Jack to join us too.  I think everyone loved that tradition :) (And in case you're wondering, I've begun telling Max that it's completely normal for your mom to come to your college and your job on your birthday, to take you out for donuts....)

His party was a hit!  And he was spoiled rotten.  I hope he knows just how loved he is!

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