Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chad turns 25!

Last week, my favorite person had a birthday!  It was exciting times considering how much Max loves birthdays and he was more than willing to celebrate his Daddy with cake, waffles, parties, and a Braves game! But we kicked off the celebrations with a little surprise party....

Our good friend Matt has a birthday 4 days before Chad, and him and his wife-- Danielle-- were awaiting the arrival of their new baby, Molly. So I called Danielle to see if she wanted to have a joint party for the guys- I would handle everything and she could just show up. They are some of our closest friends and we share a lot of the same friends, so it would be easy. She came up with the idea to make it a surprise and so that's what we did.... kinda....

We invited all of our favorite church peeps via email-- classy, I know-- but it was last minute and Danielle was about the have a baby which means I can't possible do real invites or even an evite. I then came up with a cook out menu, our sweet friend Heather volunteered to take care of the cake and introduce me to the world of Costco cakes (YUM!) and voila, a party was born.

The were two little hiccups, though... it's kind of hard to have a surprise party at your house for your spouse, because well, they live there and they see your bank account. So basically I cleaned the house "because it was just that time of the week" or so I told Chad, and made lists and a banner, and then had to wait until the actual day to do anything. My brother came by and saved the day by keeping the little boys so me and Gabe could run all the errands without toting small people. And we survived. But let me tell ya, convincing your husband that he needed to leave the house for the better part of the afternoon, dressed and clean, was awkward. He eventually decided that he was going to use that time to work which means he would come home dirty and I pushed back a little but decided that would blow my cover and he could just be dirty and stinky at his party. The second hiccup was when the two birthday boys both arrived a few minutes early.... about 3 minutes before all our guests arrived! So it was a surprise in the sense that they didn't know it was going to happen, but there was no "SURPRISE" moment if you know what I mean. Funny now, but I admit at the time, it was a little upsetting for me... all that work and no surprise. But it was fun none-the-less!


#1. Good food
#2. REALLY good cake
#3. Baby Molly was there and due to sick kids, it was the first time I got to meet her in person-- her 10 day old day.
#4. Our super amazing fun friends with wonderful kids filled our home and yard and it was just great
#5. The two birthday men-- obviously Chad is just wonderful, that's why I married him, and Matt is just great too-- like I said before, he is one of our closest friends, I just love his wife to death, I work with Matt at church-- he's our family pastor and I volunteer/teach in Middle School a lot, and they're part of our small group too-- his heart is stellar and I hope between him and my hubs that my boys grow up to be just like these men.

Happy Birthday Matt & Chad-- we love y'all and thank God for you!

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