Thursday, March 10, 2011

MIA- and other random thoughts

We have so many upcoming blog posts that are going to be great... Chad is almost done re-doing our bathroom after completely riping out the old bathroom that would've made Carol Brady proud, and I mean down to the studs... pictures will accompany that post!

Also, I completely missed  Gabe's birthday?!  I think because Chad was in charge of pictures and only did video-- not real blog pictures...

I also need to tell you about our pillow debacle and how it's very obvious that I'm pregnant now- thank you heart burn.

Also Elizabeth Grace turned 2 yesterday and we took dinner over to their house and I got to hold baby Evie for like an hour and it was heavenly.  She wasn't supposed to be here for another month, but instead she's already  been here a month, and if you meet her, you'll know why:  She is such a sweet little baby doll that God got so excited to share her with the world, that He sent her out early!  We took Lizzy cupcakes and she was hilarious-- my favorite part was when her Daddy tried to distracted her from the pantry into the living room and she said "I'm busy right now"-- hilarious!!

I'm so grateful for all my boys and blessed that I get to hang out with Anna's girls too-- best of both worlds!

BUT Max has been on Spring Break with my parents all week and Gabe has been with his mom, and we really don't have much to show for our time kid-free... we do have a hot date tonight, and besides dinner for Lizzy's birthday, I have NOT cooked.  And we've definitely gotten more sleep... but I am SO ready for Max to come home tomorrow that I just can NOT stand it.  I cried for the first couple days he was gone (Sun/Mon/Tues) was fine yesterday (because I has other babies to hold) and then today my chest gets to full of excitement when I think about seeing him tomorrow.... I have looked at every picture of him on my iphone, daily, and all I can say when I think of that sweet face and those baby blues- is be still my heart, there is more of this to come!

Lastly, yesterday I had an OB appointment and had my glucose test-- I walked in and signed in and the receptionist started laughing... my appointment was TODAY, and I had it written on my calendar for today, and yet, I showed up a day early... They got  me in anyway, after all the giggles :)  But yesterday was the turning point- there was another Lauren there in labor and although labor isn't exactly my idea of fun, it made me so excited for my Jack to arrive that I keep wishing for him... I'm ready now!  I hope the next 14 weeks FLY by!

Ok, that is all my random thoughts for the day and I have no pictures to share because once AGAIN my computer has died and this time they cannot bring it back to life-- I poured coffee all over it, yep, I'm that awesome... 2 in one month! And my new one should be here this weekend. Pictures and blog posts with a purpose (unlike this one!) to follow.

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