Monday, May 24, 2010

Our Story, the UNabridged/ Abridged version

Our story has finally been added to our homepage.  Click on the tab above to get all the gory details.

But I couldn't decide  whether is was the abridged version or the unabridged version.... I kept looking up the meaning and differences between the 2 and debating.  The abridged version has words left out-- which obviously, this does, as I can not remember every single word of our story.  But I want to make sure that I point out that this is the LONG detailed version for people who want all of the scoop.

So if you just want the basics facts, stick with the "about" tab, but if you just need more because you think we're so fascinating (ha) or you like cyber people watching like me, then grab a snack (because it will take that long) and sit down for the story.  It twists and turns- and jumps around- to make sure I hit all the high points- but eventually the story does get told.

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Friend,

    Unabridged means the long version with all of the details. Abridged means a short summary.

    Hope that helps!
