Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fun in the Sun (Toddler Style)

As I mentioned before, it’s pool time, and after some swim lessons, we were ready to go. Because Jack was SO tiny last year, this year was his first pool experience and he loved it and these pictures were from his first pool day! You can't even tell he's a rookie! Of course he prefers to be held… because he loves his mama!... but he’ll also float in his boat, play on the steps and splash A LOT.

Max is a little fish and just wants to swim to me, jump from the edge, and then swim back over and over and over and over and over! Both of my babies are so happy in the water and big brother Gabe has been a fish for as long as I’ve known him so you can go ahead and guarantee that we’ll either be pool side this summer, or home napping after our morning swim.  Between Anna’s pool, my mom’s pool, and our late summer beach trip, Jack may ever been swimming before it’s over! I kid, but really, we love it.

(And for all you who are “worriers” like me, don’t you worry, I coat us all with 70+ SPF each time we head out and the boys wear sun shirts and hats too. God gave them beautiful eyes, beautiful skins, and beautiful eyes—who am I to even think about putting that beauty in danger!)

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