Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cancel the Pity Party

How many of you have seen "Julie and Julia"?  Do you remember the part where Julie gets in a fight with her husband and he screams "And don't blog about this"?  I think I might be living the opposite of that.... last night while griping at my husband, he responded with "Well why don't you blog about it."  And I was going to... while laying in bed, trying to fall asleep, my anger was helping me write a great blog post, and I was going to prove why I was right, and I was going to say so many great things that I would get picked to save the world.

But before I got around to it, I got a great reminder that someone has already done that.  His name is Jesus and I hope you've heard about Him.  He came to save the world and did just that!  Let me share my little reminder with you:

Last fall my Mamaw was diagnosed with breast cancer.  And as she went to her first couple of doctor appointments the news just kept getting worse.  It was in both breasts, and in her lymph nodes, and it wasn't just one, or even two types of cancer, it was 3 and 2 of them were aggressive.  And on and on and ON.  If you know me, then you know my Mamaw is a big stinkin deal to our family and to me.  Yes, we have some great stories and do a fantabulous job of mocking "Camp LotsofFun" and the way she covers her mouth when she coughs, but she's one of a kind (in a good way) and could hands down win the award for best grandmother and great grandmother.  Just one small example that makes my heart very happy is that fact that as soon as Gabe came into my life, he came into her life and became her great grandson and she has sent presents and cards for every holiday since that time- like even a card for the last day of school.  

Ok, so back to the stupid cancer. (Please note the "stupid" is a bad word in our house but cancer deserves that description.)  She had to start chemo after Christmas.  Our family has information updates about it here:  You can read up on it- and her prayer requests there.

Today was supposed to be round 5 of Chemo but I just got a call that it didn't happen.  And it won't happen.  Because Chemo is over!!! It's now time for the removal surgery.  And her body won't have to go through that terrible-ness anymore.  Hallelujah!  

I'm going to borrow my own words from Mamaw's site:

"If I'm honest, I got out of bed today on the WRONG side of the bed-- maybe the wrong side of life all together.  Grumpy, mad, angry, and huffy, all accurately describe my state of being.  I carried by sweet baby downstairs to his high chair and saw "chemo" written on my calendar.  That was a perspective changer- for sure- but it was momentary.  Then my selfishness got in the way and I started pouting again.  

But my bad attitude doesn't affect our Great God one bit!  He put a big "cancelled" mark across my pity party with one phone call of great news.  Mamaw is on her way to get her celebratory Starbucks drink now!
So today, my personal prayer is a prayer of thankfulness for all of you and for good news and the end of chemo.  It's a prayer of thankfulness to my God that has it ALL under control, and for a sweet Jesus that took my sins of selfishness away and made me white as snow. That Savior of the World put an end to bad days when he died on the cross and He can put an end to cancer too.


So back to the Savior of the World-- through today's blessings, He has reminded me how faithful He is- even when I am not.  And He gave me a nice dose of humility.  I, Lauren, am NOT the center of the Universe.  And in a Universe where a lot of crazy, tragic, sinful things are going on all around, I have a Jesus who has already overcome the world.  I also have a laundry list of things to be grateful for, including eternal life with my Heavenly Father.  

Now it's time to put these words and my heart change into action!  No more bad day....

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  John 16:33

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