But somewhere along the way this weekend, some of that changed... first of all- no heartburn for DAYS in a row! Now I don't know if Jack just stopped flipping around and is causing less of a ruckus or if the good Lord just put the kabash on it all, but regardless I'm grateful-- so very grateful!
But in the midst of wonderful weather, some other things have happened.... first of all, Chad and I spent the whole day cleaning and organizing our garage- it was a wonderful feeling, but I really think I lost my mind and forgot that I was pregnant. I was crawling around, bending, picking up, lugging, etc... and although I was getting "the look" from protective Chad, I ignored him and kept on- hello, it was organizing-- like I was going to miss that! BUT by the time the clock ticked 8pm that night, I could NOT walk. Everything hurt. And I wanted to cry. Why yes, I most certainly was pregnant, despite how I felt otherwise!
Then, for the first 20 weeks of my pregnancy, I was "under weight"- as in, hadn't gained any lbs since we first heard the heartbeat. This was more annoying to me than anything, because 1) I was eating, a lot- mainly because I always eat a lot. 2)I gained weight the second I got pregnant- water, hormones, something, but several pounds but those didn't count, because I showed up at my first appointment with those pounds, so there was no gain in their book 3) I NEVER lost all my weight from Max and it hung in my middle, which was plenty of room for baby Jack. SO I had a weight complex- feeling like I wasn't taking care of Jack BUT on the other hand, knowing he had plenty of food and fat to thrive. BUT don't you worry, I totally fixed that! Between 20 and 25 weeks, when I had my glucose test, I managed to gain 6 pounds. Oh yeah, 6 freaking pounds. I almost fell OFF the scale. I'm not sure what is worse- being told you weigh too little when you're trying to grow a human or seeing the scale jump like that! And those pounds are very noticeable. I look 9 months pregnant! My clothes are right tight and by the end of the day, I think I waddle. So far, no swelling, but it's just around the corner, I'm sure of it! And getting off the floor, while carrying Max (and Jack) just isn't what it used to be-- I look like a 90 year old woman and I groan, too. Oh joy... 14 more weeks!
And I got a call yesterday that my glucose test was great BUT I'm low in iron- fail! That can cause learning disabilities and such, so needless to say, me, red meat, and leafy greens will be doing a lot of bonding in the near future.
But alas, while at my 25 week appointment last week, there was another Lauren there, IN LABOR, and it gave me the itch. I canNOT stinkin wait to have our sweet Jack- I'm ready for it all, labor, the 3 weeks of H-E-L-L that follow birth, and sleepless nights-- I canNOT wait to meet him and hold him and carry him around and love him-- ahhhhhh!!! The countdown is ON!
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