The car stayed in the shop for a while, because they found mechanical problems as well. So Anna would need to rent a car, while paying for the mechanical problems out of pocket because the insurance company insisted that although there were no problems prior to the wreck that there was no way the wreck had down this. Convenient. Raining... pouring.... Then after 2ish weeks, they get their car back ONLY to have it start shaking and smoking as Robert was driving a car full of people. Really pouring!
That is as far as the story goes for now as they wait to hear the next step in this oh-so-fun process BUT I do, selfishly, have a silver lining from this story..
So a couple days ago, Anna called and needed my help- would I come over and sit with Evie while she took my car to get groceries and pick up EG. Um, twist my arm, but yes, I will come hold that teeny nugget of wonderful.
So while Chad was home with our wild boys, playing in the mud and digging for worm, literally, I got to sit in a absolutely silent house, hold (smell) little Miss Evie, and read my bible. Because I wasn't at home, I couldn't take care of my to-do list, or "need" to do something else right this second, or tell Evie I'd hold her after I finished such and such.... I had nothing to do but to hold the baby and read 1 John. Oh my goodness. I really couldn't even contain myself. I'm honestly not sure of the last time I heard nothing. I'm not sure of the last time I sat down with nothing else I should be doing. And I'm not sure of the last time I got to hold a baby that I love with no agenda or someone else waiting for their turn. And I'm not sure of the last time that I just read my bible, without time constraints or noise or distractions.
Oh what a lovely glimpse of heaven. Just me and Jesus and a baby- how refreshing!
(When I got home, I told Chad about this experience with Heaven and he asked if I went to the bathroom-- well of course I did, I was there for over an hour and I'm 26 weeks pregnant, hello... to which he said "Not heaven-- in heaven you won't have to do that". Why thanks for that observation, honey!)
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