So I ran over to the sink, while holding Max with one arm, and began fixing his bottle (because he will no longer nurse). I had the warm water in the bottle and 3 scoops of formula poured in- but I didn't quite get the lid on when this came down from the roof:
That is a rodent tail. And it flew down in front of my face and began waving back and forth. But before I could get a grip, and calm myself, I dropped my child into the sink, spilled the entire (sticky) bottle all over the ground, and yelled the word "S#!T" so loudly that Max started his scared cry. Please refer to my prior post on "s-words" as to why I reacted so poorly.
Once I re-gained composure, I had to clean the mess, while trying to calm Max and then make a second bottle. And my kitchen floor was sticky all night. Needless to say, I did not catch the "window" last night, due to the scary creature dangling it's tail at me, and the crazy did come out. By the time I got Max to bed, I was sweating. Jeesh!
But onto my question: Where did that come from? And by "that" I mean the squirrel and the bad word. Let's start with the squirrel: I didn't see him get up there on the roof-- so he must've been there the whole time, which means as some point while I was fixing the first bottle, he decided to back that thang up and drop it like it's hot??!? Secondly, the "s-word" (the real one, not S-N-A-K-E) is my go-to word-- when I need to let out some frustration or really get my point across, that is the word I choose. I really like the relief I feel after using it. But that means I can't abuse it- I have to save it for such relief-needing situations. AND Gabe (aka little ears that hear and remember everything) has been in my life for 4 years now and so it is my habit and my lifestyle to make sure little ears are not around while using choice words. So, does that mean in my head I think it's ok to cuss around Max because he can't talk yet??? What if that had been the moment he decided to bless me with his first word, and "S#!T" was what he came up with? Thank goodness it didn't happen, but I think it's time to change my "go-to word" because obviously I can't handle the responsibility of the one of I have now!
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