A very cool thing that happened this year is that 3 of the couples (including us) had our first children and we ALL had boys. And I can't begin to explain how happy this makes my OCD planning heart, but all 3 of the boys were born on a Wednesday, making them all have the same "week- day" marker. They are all 30 weeks apart, total, and will all start school the same year.
So being the _________ (smart/ amazing/ crazy/ nutty/ weird- fill in the blank however you'd like) person that I am, came up with the idea to photograph the boys together, periodically- on Wednesdays of course- to capture their lives together. God set them up to be friends, and I just can't wait to see how much awesomeness comes from it! One of the other Mommy's- Lisa- arranged for us to get shirts made- they're adorable- and we plan to keep stuffing them into these same shirt as long as possible... even when it shows their midriffs!
Last Wednesday, we met for the first time. Max was 36 weeks, Haven was 22 weeks, and Reed was 6 weeks. Check out how precious they are! (They haven't quite realized that they are BFF's yet, but they will.... in due time :))
They weren't loving the whole photo session- mainly because we tried to take their pictures during nap time, and let's be honest, what are the chances of having 3 babies happy, fed, dry, and smiling at the same time? Little to none, right? But we ARE going to keep subjecting them to this torture because eventually the pictures and memories will be VERY worth the pain :)
[caption id="attachment_382" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Max, 36 weeks"]
[caption id="attachment_383" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Haven, 22 weeks, son of Brad and Lisa Weaver"]
[caption id="attachment_384" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Reed, 6 weeks, son of Matt and Danielle Morgan"]
We have another baby in our group, a girl, Eva, who will be the object of all 3 boy's affections (once they realize their mama's are taken!) and could quite possibly be the demise of the 3 amigos- ha! But she has a big brother for added protection, and Gabe has decided to take on the roll of big brother for all the kiddies, so I think we're set!
[caption id="attachment_385" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Lucky for us, Gabe played stepped up as a photographer's assistant during the shoot by providing funny faces, muscles, dinosaurs, and distractions as needed :)"]
** NOTE: Lisa, Haven's mom, is a great photographer and is in NO way responsible for the pictures on this blog. Hers are actually good, while mine are just for entertainment.
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