Well, thanks to this little booger:
Mine has gotten worse. I started getting a few extra "chin hairs" when I was pregnant- and then for some darn reason, the problem has only gotten worse since giving birth. I was hoping it was a hormonal thing that would soon disapate- but the opposite has happened! Lucky for Max, he's adorable and precious and wonderful, so I'll take it-- but that doesn't mean I'm going to live with it.
That's right. I'm eradicating my beard. Late this afternoon, I have my FIRST appointment with a friend of a friend who specializes in all types of cosmetic specialties, including laser hair removal. Hallelujah!
The best part of this story is when I called to make the appointment, the sweet girl doing the treatment told me that I couldn't pluck or wax anymore- throughout the entire process- which could be up to 24-36 weeks (you get it done about 6 times, 4-6 weeks between treatments). My only option for hair growth control was shaving. Yep, that's right, I have to shave my chin. Nothing says HOTT like borrowing your husband's razor and asking if he'll teach you how to shave your goatee.
But my precious man made the difficult decision to love me anyway. What a lovely soul!
TMI? Absolutely! But if you can't beat it, blog about it. It's the new me- secure in God's unfailing love for me and my facial hair.................... and soon, the lack there of! (PTL!) Just fyi, God created the person who invented laser hair removal and the thought that person had that made them decide to invent laser hair removal. He also gave them all the tools they needed to make it happen. So this is just one reminder that God is good- all the time- He event invented Laser Hair Removal for people like me.
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