During this month, you have embraced big brotherhood by loving on baby Jack, insisting I rush to his side every time he cries, and acting like you're so big and in charge. You're so darn bossy-- and yes, I only have me to blame. But for some reason, I listen to you as you demand milk on the couch and Mickey Mouse clubhouse on the TV for at least 30 minutes after waking up, and when you insist on playing golf outside before you even eat breakfast. Mainly because you know what you want- so who am I to get in your way? You are so much fun, but you are so fiesty- really, you are me in a little boy body. And while I love it, I'm thankful that Jack is already taking after your laid back Daddy! There can only be so many of "us" in one house...
You now sleep in your big boy bed- and you love it. You like to tell people that you sleep in your big boy bed and have a big boy golf club that says "M-a-x" (thanks Pop). My favorite was when I put Jack down for a nap, then put you down for a nap, and I was so giddy to sit on the couch in silence for minute when all of a sudden I heard your door knob jiggling... then I saw your face and you said "I all done!" Of course I laughed and then began to take you back to bed which set you off in a "on your tippy toes, bounce around, screaming" fit which made me laugh even harder-- who knew that you could be cute while throwing a temper tantrum? Well let me tell you, you are!
You had to visit the doctor last week, and they said you were 27lbs, 3 oz-- growing big!! I look forward to your 2 yr appointment next month to find out all of your stats... but then again, I dread that appointment, because you'll actually be 2, yikes. And just so you know, I'm not dreading you being 2 because this isn't fun- it's a blast- but it's just going way too fast and I'm afraid that the 16 years I have left is not enough time to soak you all in-- oh. my. goodness.
Besides a lot of Mommy-time, this month also included a week long trip to Indiana. I drove both of you boys there and back, alone. I thought it was going to be long and grueling but you were delightful and baby Jack only woke up to eat. If you pointed out one 'big truck' on our drive, then you pointed out a million- and you cried when you couldn't find a motorcycle. All I can say is thank goodness I downloaded Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for your to watch on my phone, because a girl can only talk about big trucks and motorcycles so much-- then her head explodes. You wouldn't want your mother's head to explode now, would you?
While in Indiana, you got to go to the ball store with Pop and got your own golf putter- you love it! And you went to an Indians baseball game (minor league). You also got kicked out of Pop's work for being too grumpy. That was funny. Me and Annie took you to the museum and the park- you're getting old enough that stuff like that is really fun- but your afternoon nap is still a must or else it gets UGLY. I think you also ate a whole bag of M&M's while you were there-- and cookies and ice cream too. We were also there for the 4th of July and sat on their roof to watch fireworks. You really love "fireworks in the sky" and have asked to see them about every other day since. It's really hard to explain to a toddler the whole concept of a holiday and once a year-- you still can't grasp the "yes, we'll do that after such and such..." Oh so much to learn in the world!
Max, you are so blessed! You have a great golf swing- grown men covet it! You have incredible friends-- Lizzy, Reed, Haven, Hudson... the list goes on and on! You have two wonderful brothers. You go to a church where the nursery workers love you, both sets of your grandparents think you're the best thing ever and brag about you, and your uncles (grown men) can't get enough of you or your pictures. Your smile is adorable, your eyes are gorgeous, your pudgy hands and feet are just too much. And your Dad and me, well, we're are absolutely smitten by you and your ways. But that list of blessings doesn't even begin to match up to the number of blessings I get from just being your mom. It is the best gig, ever! And to think that all of those blessing- both yours and mine- come from our Heavenly Father that loves us immeasurably more than we can even fathom. That's HUGE Max, HUGE! I hope you know how loved you are- and that there's nothing you can do to change that. Happy 23 months, my boy! I've enjoyed it!
he and Mason seem very similar!
ReplyDeleteHey Lauren just got thru reading the story of the "Amazing 23 Month Old MAX"...enjoyed it very much and gott'a say it certainly brought back memories. Since I only had one child (my baby Jason) I worked hard to cherish every moment of it and it still slipped away much too fast while I was fighting it everyday. So...you certainly have the right idea but still, if God wills, in 18 years, or 20, or heck even 30 years you will be saying "I can't believe that the years have gone so fast, it only seems like yesterday..." Such is life...brief at best! Sending my love to you all, Aunt Sara