[caption id="attachment_1772" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Pound it, Mom!"]
This month, just meeting your needs has pushed me and broken me more than I ever imagined. Because of thrush, feeding you has been pure torture. And then, thanks to thrush, I got mastitis-- talk about horrendous. In one week, I got 3 prescriptions-- more than I've gotten in the last 3 years! Every 3 hours, you needed to eat and I found myself in tears over it. And I just hated feeling that way about nursing- it was supposed to be special- so I did everything I could- I read about it, I took my meds, I washed everything 4948 times- and I prayed. And then I realized I was at the end of myself but still knew that nursing was best for you. And then it hit me- I was praying more and leaning on God for breath, literally, for about 10 minutes every 3 hours. Your life, and loving you has literally forced me into Jesus' arms. Thank you! We are on the mend now, but my prayers aren't ceasing! But since I don't weep or cringe or cry out in pain, I get to spend all my time looking at you. And I am one blessed mommy! No one else on earth gets this perfect view of you- while you eat, you're so relaxed- your profile is beautiful, your yummy little legs exposed, and slowly, as you begin to fill up, your hand go from clenched fists to open, and relaxed-- I can see your knuckle creases and caress your tiny fingers. What a precious little man you are!
[caption id="attachment_1774" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Beautiful Sleeping Boy"]
Today, at your 2 month appointment you weighed 10lbs 12ounces-- that is DOUBLE what you were when we brought you home, you little chunky monkey! And you're 21.7 inches long... that means you've grown 2 inches since your 2 week appointment, way to grow, man! You also had to get some shots- it was horrible. You were asleep in my arms and they came in and pricked you like a little pin cushion and we both cried- which then made Max cry. That poor nurse. Luckily it was quick, and you were snoozing again before I knew it. I think we'll live, but I'm still shaking a little. ALSO they confirmed that you have a hernia above your groin- which I knew- but we were just praying it would disappear. Unfortunately, you have to have surgery for it in the next couple months- but I'm not ready to talk about that. Just thinking about my tiny baby and anesthesia make me feel like an elephant is on my chest. So let me process that some more and we'll discuss it further. I'm sure you're in your crib fretting about it right now.... Let's be honest, the only person who will be scarred by this is me- you won't even remember it, but blah!
[caption id="attachment_1775" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Cheese!"]
Your schedule is pretty set and you're easy as can be! And this week, you've been sleeping for 6.5 hours at night, eating, sleeping 3 more when I wake you to eat, and then sleeping almost 3 more. That's right- a 12 hour night with a nice long stretch for your mother. Your brother NEVER did that- never! That puts you in the running to be my favorite-- keep up the good work! Although you can still fit into newborn clothes, you've been wearing 0-3 month clothes as well and they fit well! I just still want everything to be super soft and cuddly-- like when I change you, it's usually from one pair of pj's to another! You're in size 1 diapers, but I think you're trying to edge up to the next size in those too-- maybe in the next couple of weeks.
[caption id="attachment_1771" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Cuddling with your Annie"]
Our goal for this next month is to get you to sleep in your crib, instead of your Nap Nanny and car seat. You'll fall asleep in there, but it never lasts more than 20 minutes. I think you know how tiny you look in the bed. And when you're on your back, your legs still aren't flat against the bed, so I think that wakes you up, too. But we'll work on it :)
You still have all your hair, and more, and you're definitely going to be a toe-head. Your eyes are bright blue- just like Gabe and Max's. Your legs are full, your chins are wonderful and your cheeks are delicious. All my hard work in the nursing department has definitely paid off. You still rarely cry and prefer grunting, snorting, and groaning. If the sun is in your eyes while we're in the car, you just grunt until I move your shade. Your Daddy thinks it sounds like somebody popped you and all your air is coming out. But really, you're just having a hard time pooping! And man oh man can you pass gas-- the noise level rivals your father, which is a feat in itself. (Between discussing your poop and you nursing, I can only imagine how this blog post will haunt you when you're a teenager....)
You are one loved little boy! Please know how truly awesome it is to be your mom and watch you grow. You make my heart so full and I wish I could just sit and hold you all the time. You are the most cuddly little thing and I just love kissing those cheeks. Jesus loves you too, little Jack. More than we'll ever be able to understand. He'll change your life too-- I can't wait for that!
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