10 reasons why weekend weekend was wonderful:
# 1. Wendy and Brian Mitchell are now WENDY AND BRIAN MITCHELL!
# 2. It was a gorgeous fall day, and the reception was at a barn and it was decorated beautifully and they served amazing chicken with goat cheese, sweet potato casserole and the yummiest cupcakes AND Little Debbies (thank you Brian!)
# 3. Carlton made this face
# 4. Uncle Eli came and spent the weekend with us, so he could keep the boys and they had so much fun that Gabe asked if we would please leave again-- He is so good with the boys, Eli is going to make a great dad! He even kept my house clean and unloaded the dishwasher and did dishes- we all love when he comes around!
# 5. My bffaa, Ruth and I got to read scripture- we were honored to be a part of the cermony
# 6. The McCords (seen below) rode with us in the swagger wagon... you've truely "arrived" when you get to drive up to a wedding, with your dear friends, in your mini-van.
# 7. This hotness was my date! (He even came home with me after the wedding!!)
# 8. This was the last PP wedding... we're all hitched now! (Not pictured: Jill and Jonathan were in Colorado visiting family and going to the UGA game- they were missed!)
# 9. We got to have a dance party- and we even danced to Baby Got Back-- this was super fun since I now have more "back" than I've had in the past (thank you Max)
AND #10 Mine and Ruth's shoes were so sassy and amazing that they hurt our feet, so we had to sit in chairs a lot towards the end of the night. But then the Journey song came on, and we had to dance (while still sitting in chairs) in honor of Finn and Rachel (GLEE!) and Chad caught it on video. (Note: I had one glass of wine all night- so no, alcohol is not to be blamed, we are just this amazing... or as Chad says "you two were acting a fool") (Note #2: Our table was the last table before the dance floor, hence all the beer bottles on the table- those are not ours):
It was a great weekend and a wonderful wedding. It's so fun to watch God bring people together- especially these two :) Wendy and I were friends for years, as single girls, and we got to walk through life with each other, as God brought our men into our lives and now we get to do marriage together, too! Hope y'all are having an amazing time in Costa Rica!!! Congrats!
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