Considering the time of the year, the obvious perfect place for pictures would be the pumpkin patch! So everyone met at my house at lunch time. It took a while to get us all fed, then we fed the babies and changed them and made sure everyone was as cute as could be in their fall gear. Then we loaded up in the mini van, and headed about 8 miles down the road to the Pumpkin Patch. When we arrived, there were moms and kids everywhere! It was obviously THE place to be. We got out all 3 stollers, got all three boys strapped in, got all 3 diaper bags out, and grabbed our cameras-- and finally, we were off!!
As we started walking towards the pumpkins, a less than pleasant woman asked, "Did you all just get here?" We grinned and enthusiatically replied, "Yes!!"
Lady: " Well you can't be here. You have to have reservations."
Danielle/ Lisa: "Oh... ok, thanks."
Me: I stood there starring at her like she had 54857 heads. In my OCD way, I had gone to the website several days before and saw nothing about having to have reservations-- we just wanted some pictures for Pete's sake.
(Scene change: we turn around and head back to the van)
Danielle/ Lisa: "That's weird-- there's lot of other people here" "Yeah, funny, hahahahhaaa" (Please notice their attitudes)
Me: Still not talking, still in a state of shock, mouth hanging open, and totally caught off guard.
By the time we got back to the van, and packed everyone and everything back up, and wiped the seat from our brows, I had snapped out of it slightly... but I still could not believe all the effort and time and planning that had gone into this little adventure/ photo session turned bad.
So, choice number 2, head down the road to the park, we'll snap pictures there, and it will still be fall and adorable. We pull up tp the park and our idea doesn't seem to good anymore... I mean, it's not like they can play on the playground... and where are they going to sit?? And then Reed dozes off.....
So, it was time for the last resort.... DAIRY QUEEN!! By this point, all 3 babes were napping, or needed to be napping, we had toured Woodstock, and so we drove through the drive thru, order 3 blizzards and headed home. It was a delicious end to quite an awkward adventure!
I did manage to get a couple photos before we left... they should help describe the funny-ness of the day!!
[caption id="attachment_1108" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="The 3 Amigos"]
[caption id="attachment_1114" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="Look at this little Love Dove, yummy!"]
[caption id="attachment_1112" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Alright, sit for the picture...."]
[caption id="attachment_1110" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Wait! Haven, come back!"]
[caption id="attachment_1111" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Max, go back! Sit down and stay put!"]
[caption id="attachment_1113" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Oh, snap fast!!"]
[caption id="attachment_1109" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Finally :)"]
Later that afternoon, after the girls and babies had headed home, and after Max woke up from his nap, Chad got home. We were sitting on the couch talking, and being entertained my Max, when all of a sudden, we heard a racoon in the trash:
He was after our blizzards!!
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