Anyway, Gabe slept in Max's room last night in the extra bed because my brother spent the night. So when Max woke up this morning, at the first noise, I ran in there and grabbed him and a new diaper and brought him downstairs before he could wake up Gabe. I got his old diaper off, but my Max, he LOVES to be naked, so he did not want a new one to replace it. If he was a few years older, I'd be worried, but he loves crawling naked, dancing naked, and playing naked. He's adorable and he knows it! You should just see those butt dimples!
So this morning, he talked me into letting him go naked. After the diaper removal, I walked into the kitchen to get my phone. Then... I came around the corner to find Max standing at the couch, peeing, standing up, like a grown man and so PROUD. And it was with such force that there was psssss noise! I did get an in-action picture, but I don't want to be flagged as "dirty" so you'll have to settle for the after-picture.
And don't worry, I did scrub it with that pet carpet cleaner, so we are disinfected and germ free. But it DID crack me up.
this makes me laugh big time! i've never let haven go around naked other than at bath time. in which brad and i stood and laughed at his dinner filled belly and cute lil butt : ) fun times!