Unfortunately, the week started out with Max and Chad sick-- luckily Chad pushed through it, but Max had a horrible fever and just wasn't himself. It would've liked to unnerve me- being so far away from our doctor- but he turned a corner on day 2 and I knew he would survive. Unfortunately, by day 3, I was sick- blah. Max also threw up for the first time in his life- and it was while we were driving our rental car to the ranch, and it wasn't just once... and it wasn't a small "baby" amount... and it was NASTY... Poor Gabe!! I about had a fit, too, because we were driving and I just wanted to be with my sick baby. I should make a public announcement to Max's future wife that I hope to gain control over this extreme need to be with him anytime he is sick by the time she is in the picture.
[caption id="attachment_778" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mr. Sicky... sad :("]
But apart from the crazy germs and such- the trip was full of fun adventures! Some of the adventures will just have to be described with words, since my sickness took away some of my brain cells causing me not to take near enough pictures-- but I'll include what I can.... and somehow I managed to NOT take any pictures of the gorgeous scenery, so you'll just have to take my word for it!
There was ziplining, roller skating, rock wall climbing, swimming, canoeing and canoe gaming, fishing, golfing, horse back riding, alpine sliding, eating, shopping, white water rafting, birthday celebrating, putt-putting, trampoline jumping, ball bouncing, gold mining, and napping that all took place over 5 days.
We also learned travel tips such as not getting coffee right before you board a plane when you have 2 car seats to gate check and 2 carry-on bags, and 2 children. Secondly, Advantage rental car has GREAT deals and we great cars- easy to work with too- especially through online reservations.
This was Gabe's first time for many things- like white water rafting and horse back riding. That kid plays HARD and then sleeps hard, and then does it all over again! We were really proud because he never showed any signs of fear-- which is a new thing for Gabe. I guess that means he's growing up! (I can NOT believe he is starting 2nd grade in just a few days... where has the time gone?)
While rafting, we saw an eagle's nest. The mom was out soaring looking for food along the Colorado River and the eaglet was in the tree waiting for his lunch. It was really cool- especially because Gabe LOVES eagles.
Next are pictures of the Alpine Slide, Gabe in a CRAZY slingshot ball, and Chad doing a flip on a huge trampoline:
Max wasn't big enough for any of the activities that day so he played football instead- his new favorite pastime! He also wore big boy jeans several times on this trip (thank you Chelsi!) and he was just so darn adorable in those things that I can NOT wait for fall! Last time it was cold, he was a new baby and wore soft knit stuff... now he's all boy!
Speaking of cold, did I mention that it was in the mid-forties in the mornings and got up to the mid-seventies during the day-- can you say heavenly??
Unfortunately, Max and I spent lots of time in the room taking naps and resting our sick bodies, but I did manage a quick photo shoot... and it's pretty cute stuff!
My Uncle Neil and his family drove a LONG way to have dinner with us one night-- they live in Colorado Springs and Gabe met them when they came to Georgia for Thanksgiving this past year. This is a picture of my 2 boys and 4 of 5 of Neil's kids (aka my cousins): Nicole, Nathan, Abby, and Zach.
While we were there we got to celebrate Grandpa's birthday- with the whole family together. It was special for all of us. But that bring this trip to a close and it also bring summer vacation to an end for us, too. Luckily I didn't have any breakdowns about the realities of being a mom, although I did do 2 loads of laundry :) A lady I work with says "You can either have a family or have a vacation, but there is no such thing as a family vacation if you're a mom." Unfortunately it is true-- moms don't really get a break- even on vacation, but let's be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way!
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