Monday, June 3, 2013

Sam's Munch n' Meet

When we first decided not to find out if baby Sam was a boy or girl, it obviously put a wrench in any sort of shower or baby party... so my sweet friend Danielle decided that once the baby arrived that we must have a "sip n' see" type party. Of course, if the baby was a girl, there would be a great need for all things pink, ruffles, and girly, and if the baby was a boy, there'd be a need for ummm... nothing... but he'd be precious and people would want to meet him!

So Danielle gathered my list and made a plan on the front end, and then as soon as Sam was born, she sprang into action. First she decided that the sip n' see was a tad bit more girly and tad bit more middle of the day rather than evening so she came up with a "munch n' meet" instead. She enlisted the help of several other wonderful friends (aka Sam's fan club) and we decided that it'd be best to do it at my house so I wouldn't have to pack up and worry about feedings and all that. It was also sort of a drop in- with lots of yummy food- and mostly just chatting and passing the little precious man around... only after slathering on plenty of hand sanitizer of course. 

The party was such a success- it was right in between 2 feedings, it was the perfect length, it was full of wonderful guests loving on my sweet baby, I got to have some adult interaction and feel human for a bit, and did I mention the food?? Yummmmmm!! Sam (me) also got lots of great gifts-- the practical stuff like tons of wipes, which only a seasoned mom truly knows the value of, and then new blankets and picture frames and decor for his nursery and clothes that are just his, not hand-me-downs from his brothers. By the end of the night, I was so overwhelmed with just how blessed I am with amazing friends and family. It was such a sweet time and I enjoyed it so much!

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