On Sunday night, we took Max to the Spivas house- he spent the night with them (although he fought tooth and nail before falling asleep!) and Jill took him and Hudson on some adventures during the day Monday. On Monday morning, Chad and I woke up at 4:50 and left the house by 5:20 with Jack. At 6am we began checking in and at 6:30, Kellee showed up to sit with us. Around 6:40, we were ushered back to a room where they began prepping, taking Jack's vitals, giving us the scoop, and we got to meet all the doctors and nurses who would be with Jack. The staff was absolutely wonderful. I canNOT gush enough.
Around 7:50am, I put Jack on a grown up size gurney and walked with him until we got to the OR door. Then they kept going with my baby and I had to stop. My chest clenched up and I wasn't sure I was going to get another breath. This was promptly followed with tears- and by far the worst moment of the whole experience. But we were in our room about 15 minutes when they called to say that the anesthesia had gone great and they were beginning the surgery. Then about 30 minutes later, his doctor was standing in our room, telling us that Jack was in recovery and the surgery had gone great! About 20 minutes after that, they called and told us to go to our new room where we'd be spending the night and that Jack would meet us there. By 9:15, he was in my arms, awake from the anesthesia, but asleep from all the bustle and bustle. Perfect!
The rest of our day and night was uneventful-- the best thing it could be! The only crazy thing was how many times Jack wanted to eat through the night...5 times between 9pm and 7am-- whoa, but he was making up for the 12 hours of not eating leading up to surgery and post-surgery. His heart and breathing monitors never showed any problems and Jack never showed any signs of pain. He spent most of the day in my arms sleeping and I just starred at his sweet face.
We were discharged by 9:30am and Chad and Max picked us up and took us to Dunkin Donuts. When all was said and done, I just looked at Chad and we decided that it could not have gone any better. Jack seems so much more comfortable, there were no problems at all, every single nurse and staff person that we came in contact with was phenomenal, and I enjoyed the cafeteria's chocolate cake much more than I should!
We thank God for taking such great care of our baby and giving us such great doctors. We're also so grateful for all our friends and family that helped us out, prayed with us, and especially the Spivas and Kellee for doing it with us. We're blessed!
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