Did you know that 18 months is officially considered a toddler... as in NOT a baby? Did you also know that my Max is 18 months old today? Aka, a toddler. Someone, please make it stop!
Max is eating about anything and everything you put in front of him. And he's talking like crazy-- some of his new words this week include "I stuck" "awesome!" "watch" and "Jack". Now if I could just figure out how to teach him not to whine and to use his words all of the time, not just some of the time, then we'd have a great thing going-- but as it is, he's still pretty good, so I'm going to keep him. Max is slowly venturing upward in size too. He has 2 pairs of jeans that he just started wearing this week that are 18-24 months, and just maybe we'll be able to move past those 6-12 month socks this month... He teeny tiny tennis shoes still fit, but we're getting close to the end of those too. We may be turning a foot-size corner, but it's too early to tell.
Max continues to make his personality abundantly clear- he loves to laugh and will do many crazy things in order to get a laugh. Sometimes he gets going, and can't be stopped- and it's funny, so we're laughing too much to try very hard to stop the little whirlwind! We have had gorgeous weather in ATL this week, as I type this, it's 71 degrees! Max has spent a lot of time in the backyard exploring- I can sit at the table right by the back door and watch him and work- it keeps us both happy! Our backyard is totally fenced in, so he can wander around without causing me any fear, and I can sit and watch him while getting things done! There is also a dog that lives next door that Max just loves!
Speaking of loves, his favorite things are still balls, doggies, airplanes and M&M's. He got a set of golf clubs for Valentine's Day and he just loves golfing. I have a feeling this is going to make Chad and my Dad very happy! After many nights of 2am wake-up wails, accompanied with a very runny nose, and lots of drool, Max finally cut 2 new teeth this week as well. That brings his grand total up to 12! I'm sure we still have a good week of getting those 2 new teeth poked all the way through and established, but hopefully the hard part is over... hopefully! 2am wake up calls and a pregnant mommy isn't the best combo!
I'm not sure if Max is a 2 nap a day kind of kid, or a one nap of day type of kid, at this point in his life. I've been reading that's it's normal to go down to one nap a day around this point, but really, it's a stretch to get him to make it with just one-- and we have to be willing to endure some grumpiness. BUT if we aim for 2 naps, then it's a fight to get him to actually fall asleep the second time, but once he does, he still sleeps for 2 hours. So, I'm just constantly guessing at this point in the game! Move the nap up, move it back, wake him up, put him down for two, the options are endless, and I'm just sure which one suites him...
Max, my love, I'm so glad you're mine! God is using you to teach me so much about me, and stretch me in ways that I didn't know I needed... but I do. (That God, He sure does know everything!) I still just love our time together- whether we're playing, reading, riding in the car, or going from store to store, you're my little man, and you make me laugh and smile and kiss you all over! I'm looking forward to your baby brother's arrival in about 17 weeks, but I just can't help but to want it to slow down sometimes too, so that I make sure I soak all of you in. I love your mind and how you learn, I love how you put words together, I love how your eyes light up and how you already joke and and goof off like your Daddy. I love watching you and Gabe play together, and how much all of our people love you. That's because you're contagious :) Speaking of contagious, I'm sorry I shared the flu with you this month, will you forgive me? Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of the stuff that I'm going to give you that's going to cause you grief-- that's because I'm not perfect, but just remember, you're Heavenly Father is perfect- and He knows everything about you, even the future teenage bad stuff to come, and still loves you enough to send His son to die for you-- that's huge! You can trust Him no matter what- you can trust Him more than you can trust me and Daddy, in all of our love for you. Speaking of that- despite our goof ups, and bad decisions, we love you more than we can ever tell you, we're proud of you, we're blessed by you, and we're so very happy that you're our son! Much love on your 18 month day!
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