That's right, Max is going to be a big brother and Gabe is going to be a big brother again :) We're very excited about this news and pray for a safe baking process in the oven. The ETA of the newest Bowman is June 23rd. And I have about 3 more weeks left in this darn first trimester... yay!
My original appointment was with the doctor that delivered Max- and it was last Thursday. Due to a last minute conflict, Ruth came with me, instead of Chad. This is her showing her married status since it appeared as though we were "together" together. BUT after waiting for 2 hours and many other horrible disasters, I left the appointment after missing work, Ruth missing work, and paying a sitter for NOTHING- like seriously, nothing. So I found a new doc, and we went today and got to see the heart beat. It was fabulous.
Today Baby Bowman's (BB) heart rate was 174. And BB measured right at 9 weeks and 4 days. We're so very grateful for our newest blessing- Praise Jesus for this new life!
Congrats, Lauren! How exciting!