But don't be jealous! Those waves are Max's sounds machine. I just got the boys to bed, and Chad is playing softball, which means he'll be coming in the door any minute looking for food. But I still must relish these few minutes of silence. It is really rare that the house is silent-- no tv, no talking, no whining, no car noises, or "booms" or "pows", no pitter patter of little hands and feet. Just silence.
I wonder if when moms get to heaven, if there will just be a silent room that they get to go into. We'll probably be having too much fun with the angels for that, though.
But back to my silent night. It comes on the heels of a screaming baby, a poop explosion, and a 7 year old who talked non-stop from the second he walked in the door today. While our sitter was here earlier, I noticed that she had quoted scripture on her facebook status and I commented wanting to know if my sweet angels were bring her closer to Jesus or terrorizing her so that she needed more Jesus. I was just being funny. But that came back to bite me on the booty! Now I'm the one needing to quote scripture after the non-stop chaos of the afternoon.
But that's just one more sign that summer is over! It's really obvious around our house. There is always hustle and bustle and we're always on a schedule. I was telling someone this weekend, that my days are so monotonous at this point, that I can tell you, within a 20 minute window, what I'm doing every day. But there is no other way to be a wife, and a mom, an employee, a volunteer at church, a bus driver for 2 cute boys, a laundress, and a house keeper. Not to mention a bulldawg fan and still hang out with the many GREAT friends that God has blessed me with. So alas, I sit here, on my couch, and listen to a sound machine, and feel peace. Funny.
I love fall! I love football and the crisp mornings. I can't wait for the shorts and long sleeves weather. Gabe's soccer games start this Saturday, and we've already turned off the ac a couple times. So this is my farewell to summer...
There are a few events that I meant to include on the blog, but they just never made it-- but there were so kodak moments for sure, so I'll use them to celebrate summer instead :)
First of all-- 4th of July-- we headed the lake with our friends. Wendy and Trisha's parents have a house on the lake- so fun- and Jill and Ruth have birthdays during 4th of July week, so it was a party. Chad and Eli ran the Peachtree Road Race the morning, while Max and I walked along beside it-- don't even get me started on how difficult it was to get to the end to pick of Chad and Eli- geez. Then it was lake time- and Uncle Eli joined us. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pics- lame- and the only 2 I have to show for it are these:
Secondly, Anna and I took our kids on two very "fun" outings. And somehow, we managed to pick the 2 hottest days of the year for these... and both of them were outside. And to top it off, somehow, our husbands managed to miss out on both of these fun extravaganzas... nice!
At the end of June, as the heat wave came to settle of Georgia, we took the babies to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. They were beautiful- unfortunately though, they are not air conditioned! But we were going to have a fun day, no matter what!!! We did get some cute pictures and that made it all totally worth it!
I really like this one, because EG is escaping her stroller because she is WAY to mature for a stroller nowdays-- she seriously walked with Anna through the whole thing- like a little adult- it was hilarious!
More photo ops:
And our second crazy adventure, towards the end of the heat wave, was a trip up to Canton to visit my aunt. She has a great house and a creek in her backyard- so it was creek. My cousins were coming on bringing their kiddos-- it consisted of lunch and play-- all in all, a happy day. Except, insert heat wave, and a windless day. The hot air just sat on us like elephants. BUT the kiddos did not mind at all!! They had so much fun and brought home a ton of sand in their bathing suits :)
So needless to say, we enjoyed the lazy days of summer- the sun, and the water, and the break!
So let's review our highs this summer:
We started off with a fun beach trip, then celebrated our second anniversary. We also ventured out west to Colorado, sold our 4runner, and bought a minivan. Max mastered crawling, decided he only wanted big boy food, got his first hair cut twice- once was unsolicited.... and he also turned ONE! Gabe lost his first tooth while at six flags, went on 3 vacations this summer, got a killer tan that ladies would pay for, and did it all with a big huge grin on his face. We got visits from both sets of grandparents, and made a couple trips to the lake. Uncle Eli came to visit several times, and the whole family was indeed happy that I was not pregnant this summer and did not have to float around the pool like a beached whale. I never once complained about anything swelling either. It was a divine summer.
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